Writing Evolution
Inspired Writings and Art by Laura Hamill

Writing Evolution, The Builds of Tanauri
Writing Evolution
Workshops - Writing Evolution – Sessions for Meditation and Creative Writing Journeys
Guided meditation into the deep and creative space that you have always wanted to explore.  I will take
you on a tour through the Akashic Library and the Universe of Tanauri into a meditation, then a creative
writing journey to access your dreams and desires at a new level.  The place where dreams are born and
you unlock your next realities.  A desire to experience a deeper creative sense of self is the only
90 minute sessions available for $80.00.  Request information on group session rates if you would like to
hold a meditation and writing circle event.  Email for more information or schedule openings.
Laura Hamill
I am Aether Here or There
© Laura Hamill 2005
Cover Art for Writing Evolution Volumes 1-3
I am Aether Here or There
© Laura Hamill 2005
Cover Art for Writing Evolution Volumes 1-3
artwork available on Fine Art America
      Tanauri © Laura Hamill 2018
    Cover Art for Writing Evolution,
              The Builds of Tanauri
  artwork available on Fine Art America
Writing Evolution,
The Novel Adventures of L'Aura Lightflower
Volumes 1-3
please select title to visit amazon.com